Documentation as-code

Ganesh Ramasubramanian
3 min readSep 27, 2020


Earlier we hire a documentation/Technical writer and the documentation that he generates was always kept in a separate and secluded place. Nowadays, tech writers have been asked to maintain their documentation as markdown/asciidocs. Then asciidoctor came into automatically generate HTML5/DocBook/PDF documentation on the fly from these static asciidocs.

Then, the project lead “Dan Allen” of Asciidoctor started an open-source project called Antora.

Antora is a multi-repository documentation site generator for tech writers who love writing in AsciiDoc.

A Typical Antora documentation layout can be represented as:

  • Antora provides a nice way to split the content from the actual stitching parts.
  • The main stitching of all the documentation is done in the docs repository.
  • The documentation UI layout can be stored in a separate repository docs-ui repository. You can start with the default sample docs-ui from Antora for this purpose.
  • Then, the actual content repository can be there anywhere else. Antora at the build time can pickup these content distributed in multiple content repositories dynamically.
  • Antora playbooks (there can be multiple playbooks as shown above), generates static HTML5 content.
  • This generated HTML5 content can be zipped and deployed as a web app container. And here you go !!!
  • The web app can be secured in any way to restrict the viewers.
  • We can have multiple HTML5 web apps generated. For example external which is applicable only for Customers and Internal which is only necessary for your internal employees.
  • The internal docs are quite important because when there are multiple engineering teams, there will always be API contracts/Module level documentation which needs clear understanding.
  • The docs repository also can store its own content. For example, this is the place where one can store the release-notes and migration-notes.
  • This way we generate and host the product documentation in a centralized place.
  • The customers who are in older version, can see the new features based on release-notes and will come to you for their upgrade to the newer version. Earlier “Sales-Team” has to pitch-in and explain about the new upcoming features to sell the product. This is just like pro-active measure to sell the product.
  • The developers and professional services team has to just create the ASCIIDOCs for their module. The Engineering Head need to do the release-notes and migration-notes at the end of each release. The Tech-writers just have to stitch together the asciidocs and validate the grammars and add additional documentation in asciidocs as necessary. Puff… The job is distributed.
  • As the asciidocs are quite close to the source code, the developers will modify as and when the implementation is updated.
  • Also the asciidocs could also be generated from the source code. For example, one can generate from Java source code using Reflections the documentation, Swagger API documentation etc.,
  • We can also attach source code snippets as part of the asciidocs using tags.


  • Keep AsciiDoc documentation as close to the source code.
  • Developers & Engineering team update the technical documentation as and when the feature is implemented.
  • Tech writers concentrate only on stitching the documents in a nice way.



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